Abhay Thhakkar NLP Trainer

What do you really want?

What is the purpose behind what you want?

How can you achieve what you want?

a lady looking at a ladder of success with NLP

Well Formed Outcome

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” – Carl Jung

Become your own NLP Coach and align yourself to achieving your outcomes with more ease through a simple NLP tool – Well Formed Outcome.

lady in nature taking a deep breath

As Robin Sharma says – “Everything is created twice, first in mind and then in reality.”

Scientifically it has been proven that the brain cannot distinguish between imagination and reality since the same neurons in the brain get activated when we imagine and when it happens in reality.

Along with that, the more familiarity at a neurological level and at the mind, the more likely it gets manifested in reality.

This is the reason why ‘power of visualization’ is a popular technique used by sportsmen/sportswomen, performers from different fields, as well as people from various other backgrounds – for the purpose of manifestation.

Before visualization –

Before creating in mind and in reality, it is important to know what we really want.
Hence, having clarity in the vision is important.

Subsequently, to manifest in reality, the vision needs to be implemented since it is the massive actions that yield massive results.

Massive Actions = Massive Results

After all, you are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.

man with a rocket on back
a participant of NLP course in Mumbai, with eyes closed

Further, what bridges vision and implementation is having the outcome as tangible.

Among several NLP techniques and tools, a tool often shared in the NLP certification course (most likely in the NLP Practitioner certification course), is the ‘well-formed outcomes.

This NLP tool can be used by an NLP coach to gain clarity on the outcome and even achieve the outcome.

(It is also known as ‘well formedness condition’ or ‘well formedness outcome’ in some NLP workshops in India and abroad as well, by some NLP Trainers)

Be your own coach

You can also guide yourself through this practical and simple NLP technique/tool with a specific outcome you wish to achieve.

I recommend making a note of the answers you get as you go through the questions mentioned below on this page.

This approach will enable you to gain the same benefits that you would get from an NLP Training online and without having an NLP coach guiding you.

Before you guide yourself through the set of questions of this effective and simple NLP tool/technique, choose an outcome you wish to achieve.

The NLP Tool – Well-formed outcome, contains a series of questions mentioned on the page that will enable you to achieve your outcome.

a man with suit sitting and writing with a rocket on back

I have had the privilege of learning NLP from Christina Hall (co-developer of NLP) in Barcelona, Spain.

In the video interview with me below, she shares the importance of framing questions. It is also a valuable insight for NLP Coaches and NLP Trainers.

Origins of ‘Well Formed Outcome’

Not many NLP Practitioners, NLP Master Practitioners or even NLP Trainers (in India and abroad as well) know that the ‘Well Formed Outcome’ is actually based on an NLP tool – ‘The Growth Ladder’.

many ladders with one ladder touching the bullseye
NLP Trainer - Abhay with NLP co-founder - Frank Pucelik

I had learnt ‘The Growth Ladder’ from Frank Pucelik (co-creator of NLP) when I attended his International NLP Certification courses – NLP Master Practitioner workshop and NLP Trainers Training in Madrid, Spain.

I will be sharing ‘The Growth Ladder’ on this website soon.

My modifications to ‘Well Formed Outcome’

Personally, as an Internationally Certified NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer and New Code NLP Trainer, I found there could be some modifications in the questions which are in the NLP tool ‘Well Formed Outcome’ so that it becomes more impactful.

Abhay - NLP Trainer
Two ladies with hands on chin during NLP certification in India

Hence, on this page, you will find some modifications to the original questions of the ‘well-formed outcome’, which are taught in a typical NLP training course.

Further, I have also added some questions (which I have not taken from any specific NLP book).

As a result, when we (NLP Coach) apply all the questions in the context of the outcome, it is more effective.

The set of questions of
‘Well-formed Outcome’


What do you want?
(State in positive i.e. what you want rather than what you don’t want)

Remember, energy goes where focus and attention goes.


What is the intention behind wanting the outcome?


When and where do you want the outcome?
If there are other people involved with respect to the outcome, who would they be?

Remember, “A goal without a date is just a dream” –  Dr. Milton H  Erickson.


Is the outcome achievable?
Is it practical to achieve it within the time frame you have set?


How will you know when you have achieved it?


What will you see, hear and feel when you have achieved the outcome?


Where are you now with respect to the outcome?


What is the 1st step to be taken to achieve the outcome?


What are the 3 or more ways to achieve the outcome?


What will happen after you have achieved the outcome?


After you have achieved the outcome, look back and become aware of the changes you have had made in your life to achieve the outcome


Cartesian coordinates and secondary gains-based questions –
a) What is it that you are not doing, but you would have to do once you achieve the outcome?
b) What will happen if you don’t achieve the outcome?
c) What will not happen if you do achieve the outcome?
d) What will not happen if you don’t achieve the outcome?


If you had the outcome right now, are you willing and ready?


Ecology (ecology is the study of consequences) –
a) Is the outcome congruent with your deeper self?
b) How does it affect every aspect of your life such as health, relationship with family, social life, finance, hobbies?

More questions on Ecology:


Are you aware of any problems or difficulties that might come in the way of achieving the outcome?


Be aware of any unconscious signals that come up as you ask yourself –
“Does any part of me have any objections to having this outcome”?


Imagine the outcome in all representational systems (5 senses , especially – what will you see, hear and feel).
Anything that might not be appropriate?


Evaluate this outcome in the future in all relevant contexts and all relevant people that are involved.


See it from the point of view of any other relevant person.
If someone else you knew had this outcome, what would come in his/her way of achieving the outcome?


If you had the outcome right now, how would that be for you?

“Act As If”

Act as if frame


Roleplay the behavior/action of what you would do when you have achieved the outcome.

If you can pretend it, you can master it – Dr. Milton H Erickson


When you have achieved the outcome, is there any behaviour of yours that might not be congruent with yourself and others?


What is the difference you notice in yourself and your life after having achieved this outcome.

Additionally, you can read about NLP outcomes a formula for success.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

Difference between NLP and New Code NLP

Kindly note: This is a topic usually taught in NLP courses (usually NLP Practitioner course) and not New Code NLP courses.

two head joining and in betweeb a puzzle
a lady with hands stretched out during Abhay's NLP Training

WHY? :
One of the significant differences between NLP and New Code NLP is that just as in the above NLP tool, in NLP – with the applications of NLP techniques and tools – the outcome is chosen by the conscious mind of a person.

Similarly, the behaviour and state in a situation where the person desires a change are also chosen by the conscious mind, when NLP techniques and tools are applied.

The Unconscious Mind

However, the New Code NLP techniques and tools are designed in such a way that the unconscious mind of a person selects the outcome as well as the behaviour and state that is appropriate in a context.

To know more about the difference between NLP and New Code NLP, visit the NLP & New Code NLP – The Difference page.

hands stretched with brains in front
a group hug during Transformative NLP course in Mumbai

At the same time, I am sure if you have applied the set of questions mentioned above from ‘Well Formed outcome’, you would have still found it valuable.

If you would like to learn more simple NLP techniques and tools, you can even learn them over 2 days NLP course of NLP Core Skills Training.

Further, if you would like information about NLP Trainings offered by Transformative NLP International (T-NLP), visit – NLP Training.

“Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.”
Speak with NLP Trainer - Abhay